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About CPAP Therapy

Positive airway pressure – The most effective, least invasive and clinically proven therapy is positive airway pressure.  In this treatment, a small machine delivers air pressure from a mask that fits either your nose or mouth while you sleep. Positive airway pressure reduces the number of respiratory events that occur as you sleep, reduces daytime sleepiness and improves your quality of sleep. 


  • The most common type is called continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP. This treatment uses a machine that continuously pressurizes the air at a constant level, which keeps your airway passage open. The air prevents your muscles from blocking your airway thus preventing obstructive sleep apnea. 

  • All machines include a humidifier to improve your comfort by moistening the air and changing the temperature of the air to be either warmer or cooler based on your preference. A tube is attached between the machine and a mask to allow airflow into your throat. There are different types of masks, and your CPAP clinician may recommend one that is best suited for your comfort and needs. 

  • As all new therapies may be uncomfortable at first, there is an adjustment period and with practice, most people learn to adjust to the mask and machine. You may need to try different types of masks to find a suitable mask. Several options are available, such as nasal masks, nasal pillows or face masks. Check out our blog for more info on the types of masks. 

  • Don't stop using your positive airway pressure machine if you have problems. Check with your CPAP clinician and your doctor to see what adjustments you can make to improve your comfort. In addition, contact your sleep doctor if you still snore despite treatment, if you begin snoring again or if your weight changes.

  • Costs for PAP devices are covered by OHIP, social assistance programs and insurance companies. 

Although PAP is the most consistently successful and most commonly used method of treating sleep apnea, some people find it cumbersome and uncomfortable at first. With some practice and help from our CPAP Specialists, most people learn to adjust the mask to obtain a comfortable and secure fit. You may need to try different types to find a suitable mask. If you’re having particular difficulties tolerating pressure, there are machines that have special adaptive pressure functions to improve comfort. Some people also benefit from using a humidifier and/or heated tubing along with their CPAP system.

Don’t stop using the CPAP machine if you experience problems. Check with our PAP specialists at CPAP Point to see what adjustments you can make to improve your comfort. In addition, contact your doctor if you still snore despite treatment or begin snoring again. If your weight changes, your doctor may need to adjust the pressure settings.

Normal Breathing during sleep

  • During sleep, the air travels through your nose, mouth, and throat into your respiratory cavity where your lungs are. When the passage is normal and open, air flows freely, allowing you to breath normally. 

  • However, if the passage narrows or becomes obstructive (through the relaxation of the muscles at the back of the throat or enlarged glands/muscle), snoring occurs and leads to a blocked airway. This further causes breathing difficulties causing sleep apnea. 












PAP therapy

  • How it works - The equipment has 3 basic parts, an air pump machine, a mask that covers the nostrils or nose or mouth, a tube connecting the machine and mask. 

  • The CPAP pump takes air from the room and gently pressurizes it. The air blows through the tube and mask into the airway. The pressure of the air keeps the airway open while you are asleep. 

Types of machines​

partial obctsructed.print_.jpg

Airway is open = air flows freely to lungs


Airway collapses = air flow blocked to lungs


Air pressure (PAP) = air flows freely to lungs

  • I think I have Sleep Apnea
    If you suspect that you have sleep apnea or any other sleep disorder, you should speak with your family physician. Your family physician will refer you to a sleep specialist who will most likely order a sleep study (polysomnogram) in a sleep lab. During a sleep study, your sleep will be monitored by sleep technologists. Some of the parameters recorded during the study are brainwaves, muscle tone, breathing efforts, the heart beat, body position, blood oxygen level and air flow at the nose and the mouth. All of this information will be interpreted by the sleep specialist and who will notify you of the findings. If the diagnosis of a sleep disorder is made, you will be advised by the sleep specialist of the available therapeutic options.
  • Is CPAP covered by my insurance?
    Third party (private) insurance policies will usually pay for at least a portion of the cost of CPAP equipment. Please check with your health insurance provider. In many provinces like Ontario, there maybe be government assistance available through the Assistive Devices Program (ADP). They may cover a portion of the cost. You can find out more information through
  • How often should I replace my CPAP supplies?
    For optimum performance and hygienic purposes replace every 6 months. Please note that the replacement intervals shown below are only guidelines. You should refer to your equipment’s operation manual(s) for manufacturers’ recommendations. NOTE: Most insurance providers will fund replacement CPAP masks and CPAP accessories at the intervals below. CPAP Mask - For an optimal mask seal and for hygienic reasons, replace every 6 months. CPAP Filters (Washable) - Replace every 4-6 months CPAP Filters (Disposable) - Replace every 2 months (when dirty or gray) CPAP Tubing - Replace yearly or earlier if broken or worn out. CPAP Machine - as required. Although many machines continue to operate with no issues, all CPAP machines have an intended service life of five (5) years. Check out out guide to CPAP cleaning and cleaning products.
  • How often should I clean my CPAP equipment and supplies?
    Please note that the cleaning intervals and methods lised below are only MINIMUM guidelines. You should refer to your equipment’s operation manual(s) for manufacturers’ cleaning instructions. CPAP Mask - Wash daily. Wash mask cushion with dish detergent and water. CPAP Filters (Washable) - Clean weekly by rinsing in water and by letting air dry. CPAP Tubing - Wash weekly in warm soapy water. Humidification Chamber (Water Container) - Wash weekly in warm water and dish detergent. Check out out guide to CPAP cleaning and cleaning products.
  • I wake up with a dry mouth, what can I do?"
    This is first and foremost a symptom of a lack of humidity in the air delivered to your CPAP mask. To add more humidity (moisture) to the CPAP air flow, you will have to increase your heated humidifier setting. If you do not know or remember how to adjust your humidifier setting, please contact your CPAP vendor or refer to your CPAP machine’s operation manual. If you have a dry mouth despite increasing your humidifier’s setting, it is possible that air is escaping from your mouth while you sleep. A chin strap or full face mask will usually solve this problem. Your CPAP vendor will be able to further advise you if this sounds like your situation. Check out our blog to learn more tips and ticks!
  • How often should my CPAP machine be adjusted?
    Unless you experience a significant weight gain or loss, the CPAP setting does not normally change. It is possible that your sleep specialist will want you to have follow up sleep studies to evaluate the effectiveness of your therapy. If this is the case, you will be notified by the sleep specialist if your CPAP prescription changes after a follow up sleep study. Some sleep specialists will perform follow up sleep studies only if sleep apnea symptoms return. If you feel as though your CPAP therapy is no longer effective, you are encouraged to contact your sleep specialist and to notify your CPAP vendor.
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